Ashe County, North Carolina Local & Organic & Sustainable Products Directory

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Blue Ridge Vermiculture

Blue Ridge Vermiculture

182 Calloway Gap Rd
West Jefferson, NC 28694
(828) 773-1709

A supplier of Red Worms, European Nightcrawlers, Alabama Jumpers, Canadian Nightcrawlers, cocoons, and castings. We sell throughout the US from North Carolina to California.
Categories: Products; Online Shopping; Worm Casting
Region: Ashe County

River Ridge Tree Farm

River Ridge Tree Farm

8539 Hwy 221 N
Crumpler, NC 28617
(336) 982-3081
(336) 982-3853

River Ridge Christmas Tree Farm, located in North Carolina, offers quality Fraser Fir, Blue Spuce, and Norway Spuce Christmas trees and wreaths.
Categories: Products; Farms; Arts & Crafts; Christmas Tree Farms; Artisan Markets
Region: Ashe County