Burlington County, New Jersey Organic & Sustainable Fruits & Vegetables Directory

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  • Olives

Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-3 out of 3

Fernbrook Farm CSA

Fernbrook Farm CSA
PO Box 228
Bordentown, NJ 08505
(609) 298-0029

Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; Reading; CSA Farms; Information; Fruits & Vegetables; Employment & Internships; Volunteer
Region: Burlington County


Honey Brook Organic Farm

42 Chesterfield-Georgetown Rd
Chesterfield, NJ 08515
(609) 737-8899

Categories: Lifestyle; Farms; Produce Farms; CSA Farms; Recipes; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Burlington County


Paradise Organic Farms

Paradise Organic Farms

Visit Paradise Organic Farms' Facebook Page

139 Bordentown-Georgetown Rd
Chesterfield, NJ 08515
(732) 329-0999

Join our CSA today! Weekly from June to November, 20-22 weeks, our freshly harvested organic produce will delight your eyes and stimulate your taste buds. From kohlrabi to peppers, bring home a cornucopia of earth's natural bounty generously furnished from our world class top soil. Be a trustee and wise steward with us of earths very precious land. Come stroll our gardens, the vineyard, catch & release fish pond, Hampton Court Maze and other earthly treasures. Individual and Family Shares available. Pick up at Chesterfield farm or sign up for one our our boxed delivery locations throughout NJ.
Categories: Farms; CSA Farms; Fruits & Vegetables
Region: Burlington County
