Saint Louis County, Minnesota Organic & Sustainable Farms Directory

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Farmer Doug

Farmer Doug

Visit Farmer Doug's Facebook Page

3361 Lindahl Rd
Duluth, MN 55810
(218) 591-0632
(218) 721-2011

We are a three generation small farm offering fruits, veggies, free range chickens, cut flowers and so much more in the Duluth, MN area. You can find Farmer Doug at 5 farmers markets a week in the Duluth area from May 1 - the end of October. We also can send a Christmas wreath or tree right to your door.
Categories: Products; Online Shopping; Farms; Produce Farms; Fruits & Vegetables; Gifts Online Shopping; Free Range Chicken; Plants & Flowers
Region: St Louis County

Fat Chicken Farm

Fat Chicken Farm

6362 Taylor Rd
Embarrass, MN 55732
(218) 749-2186

We are a small farm in Embarrass, MN, and focused on growing the best quality food in a way that's good to the earth. We use no toxic chemicals, we practice sustainable farming, and we are good to our animals, so they are good to us.
Categories: Farms; Meat Farms; Produce Farms; Herbs; Fruits & Vegetables; Turkey; Chicken; Free Range Chicken; Free Range Turkey
Region: St Louis County